Mukima House has taken the time to meticulously design our infrastructure and operating systems to work in the most sustainable way possible behind the scenes, whilst aesthetically blending into the natural landscape. We did not commit to being eco-friendly to win any prizes. Our founding family are extremely passionate about conservation and are committed to operating the Mukima sanctuary in a responsible and sustainable manner. Their goal is to welcome others to share this slice of wilderness whilst minimizing the footprint that this incurs. These efforts are driven from a sincere desire to preserve one of Laikipia's most beautiful nature sanctuary's.
100% Off Grid
We partner with the sun for our energy needs. Running 100% off solar power. Lucky for us, we are on the equator and the sun is out most of the year in abundance. We run efficient, clean power across the entire property.
We are gifted with amazing water that is filtered through layers of rock, soil and sand and pours through our taps. We take great measures to appreciate this gift by reducing our water usage, and are always aware of our systems for efficiency and hygiene.
In 2022
We achieved 94% renewable energy use.
We saved over 87,600 litres of diesel by not using a generator.
We saved 225 tons of Carbon being emitted.
We generated over 16 Mega Watts of power from the sun.
We reduced our Cooking Gas use by 70%
All using the gifts from the sun
Supporting local employment, markets and education
We actively involve the local community through staff employment and we procure our supplies wherever possible at the local markets, we invite our local farming neighbours to cut our grass for their cattle during the dry season to ensure the survival of their livestock. We also support local education through the our local schools.
We source local
The vast majority of our food supplies are sourced from the local area. We work with small holder farmers to get the best crops and buy organic whenever possible.
When we cannot find something, we grow it ourselves and hope to increase our own organic food production in years to come.
Rewilding Project
For 18 years, our family have endeavored to re-wild this property wherever possible, supporting all that makes this natural haven unique and pristine so that many generations to come, can experience its natural beauty. We have re-wilded over 100 acres with numerous types of indigenous species of tree and shrub. We are currently working on the next phase to include more land in the rewilding project.
A Unique Wellness Retreat In The Wild
A Wellness Retreat in a Nature Sanctuary on the foothills of Mount Kenya. On the doorstep of Africa's top Safari Parks.